Tim Walz Disciplined For ‘Sex Acts With A Sheep’ Records Reveal

Things just keep getting worse for Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz. Recently, he generated controversy when it was revealed he completely lied about his military record. Now, it turns out, Tim Walz was disciplined for “sex acts with a sheep,” his leaked disciplinary records reveal.

Democrats claim Walz is “everyone’s dad that they lost to Fox News” — a ridiculous statement on its face. But ever since this relative unknown rose to prominence, Americans are learning way, way more than they ever wanted to about the rapidly-self-disgracing governor of Minnesota.

During the course of his career, Walz was disciplined 23 times — almost once per year. The infractions range from light arson, to underage drinking, to petty larceny, to…”sex acts with a sheep?”

Tim Walz Disciplined for “Sex Acts With a Sheep”

Tim Walz disciplined for sex acts with a sheep
Tim Walz speaking at a NAMBLA meeting in Buschene, Iowa in 2019

Recently, it was revealed that Walz had to have his stomach pumped after ingesting so much horse semen that it was “practically coming out of his eyes,” according to one witness at the time. Walz’ wealthy parents hid the details of the incident, even paying the newspaper that published an article on the incident to print a retraction. But that’s not even the most insane thing. According to his military records, Walz’ bestiality traveled to new heights the first year of his enlistment — and he can’t blame this one on fraternity “hazing.”

Walz retired in 2004. But in 1981 when he was just beginning his career in the National Guard, he was caught just a quarter-mile off-base , doing the unspeakable with a sheep. The local newspaper reported at the time:

A local National Guardsman is in deep trouble after he was caught on a local farmer’s land. But he wasn’t partying or engaging in any of the typical pastimes enjoyed by Guardsmen who sneak off-base for shenanigans. Private Tim Walz was arrested at 1:21 a.m. on the property of Filbert Morris, an 81-year-old farmer.

“My granddaughter walked down to the field and saw a man standing behind one of our sheep,” Morris says. “The man just waves to her. She come running back to the house terrified and I called the police and I guess the man just finished up when they got here. He assaulted my sheep.” The farmer broke down crying while retelling the story.

Walz was released on his own recognisance shortly after his arrest.

We tried getting the scoop from Morris County Sheriff’s Department, but they weren’t having it. “No comment,” said Desk Sergeant Felton Skeemers to our guy Darryl Farnsworth.


About humesrazor 2 Articles
Ashley Hume is a three-time Pulitzer Prize winner who spends her days petting her cat, holding her cat, and pushing her cat around in a stroller. She has a doctorate in whatever it's convenient to tell you she has a doctorate in to get you to believe whatever garbage she's spewing. She also eats a lot of candy.